Ok, the following is my response to a long, lively debate between myself and a friend regarding politics, in which he asked, "Okay, so what's the solution? What does conservatism have to offer in terms of fixing our economy?" The following is my answer. I hope that it resonates with some of you.
Here's the alternative as I see it. Mind you, I'm nothing more than an armchair quarterback. Here we go: Massive tax cuts, and massive de-regulation of industry. Whose taxes do we lower? Everyone's. I'm not talking about a measly $600 - $1000 stimulus check in the mail - that's liberal territory, and that check is an insult. I'm talking about major tax cuts, in every single bracket. Tax cuts for the working man, such as you and I, so that our wage goes farther, buys more goods and services. Tax cuts for small businesses, so they can afford to do business and compete. Even tax cuts for the corporations. I know you won't like the last one, but follow me for a minute and I think you'll understand where I'm coming from. When you take all the red tape and bloated govt beaurocracy out of the way, make it easier for businesses to actually do business, the economy will pick up. Then you lower corporate taxes, so that corporations can actually afford to do business in the U.S., and you will see many, many of those jobs that are currently outsourced to other countries moved back to the U.S. You might actually speak to an English-fluent American citizen the next time you call Dell technical support. Our economy will start to flourish again. People will keep more of what they earn, and they will be able to afford the goods and services more easily, because they will be American made and affordable. Those American made goods and services will provide TONS of jobs for the educated AND uneducated. Of course, the massive de-regulation and massive tax cuts I speak of will result in masssive government downsizing.
That's the beauty of it. Our economy recovers while our government shrinks. And all those laid-off government workers? There will be millions of available jobs in the PRIVATE sector! People who are skilled at their jobs and good at what they do will flourish. Those who are lazy, will not. Conservatism emphasizes personal responsiblity. It's only last year that I finally got my degree. In 5 years, through nothing more than hard work and determination, I increased my pay by 60%! I was an uneducated working guy. Now I have a much easier, more enjoyable job due to nothing more than my personal drive and effort. My education didn't even affect or help my pay.
Obviously, this can't all be done in one day - it would have to be done in many steps. Here's another solution - do away with the Federal Reserve - a nationalized bank has never been good for us. And they are not even part of the govt - they are no more federal than Federal Express. THIS week, they just printed a TRILLION more dollars, and SOLD that money in bonds to the CHINESE!! They need to stop printing money! The more dollars that exist in the global economy, the less those dollars are worth against all the other currencies in the world. Inflation is going to hit the roof this summer! Not to mention that Obama himself openly admitted that his cap-and-trade plan will actually increase the average American's utility bills by $1800 per year! Ok, back to the trillion bucks that were just printed - What the hell are we doing selling more money to China? It absolutely frightens me how much money we OWE COMMUNIST CHINA! NOT a good position to be in! And it's not just the democrats' fault, it's the repubs too. How stupid can we be?? And speaking of owing money, we started Obama's presidency with a $465 billion deficit. Thanks a lot, GW. However, now we are saddled with a several TRILLION dollar deficit in 11 weeks time! Unbelievable! It is simple common sense - You CANNOT spend your way out of debt! It is impossible! Not on any scale! You simply can NOT get out of debt by spending more money! This spending is NOT about getting us out of debt - it is about the libs going crazy spending all the money they haven't been able to spend for the past 40 years. It is an unprecedented power grab.
Anyhoo, there's my personal economic plan for this country. I am absolutely positive it will work. And if a simple guy like me with nothing more than an associate's degree can figure it out, I know there are true conservatives who can put the details to the plan. The only problem is, there is NO real leadership in the republican party. They have sold out big time. Hence my not claiming them. BIG, BIG difference these days between a republican and a conservative. Honestly, I don't see any real solutions actually taking place for a while, because I don't see any repubs with any stones out there.
The ONLY hope I have is that the damage that Obama will do over the next 4 yrs will get people so fired up that it lights a fire under enough people's butts that we will bring about a revolution at the ballot box, and throw Pelosi, Reid, Dodd, Frank, Schumer, Boxer, and their cronies out on their butts and hopefully in the next 4 yrs some politicians with some character will grow some cajones and be the leaders that our country so desperately needs. I just hope and pray that we don't fall into a civil war before then.
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1 comment:
Have you thought perhaps, Mr. Stover that this "outsourcing" you speak of was the only way God could get us to send sufficient support to the third world (China and India specifically) to begin to get their economies moving at all? As a Christian, do we not bear as much responsibility for our Indian brother as the American brother you so desperately seek to aid? What will happen to him? Can you really say, "so what he's not my problem?" When you know, that poor as we are almost all of us had a choice in what we ate for dinner?
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