Sunday, March 22, 2009
Something Wicked This Way Comes...
By Roger King Tuesday, February 17, 2009 Barack Obama has been in power for about a month but his promise of “change” appears to be more than just a liberal agenda. Not only is it becoming apparent that the economic crisis is being used to push a socialist agenda that would make Sol Alinsky proud but there are some very disturbing signs as to how the Democrats plan to win subsequent elections. Bailout Bill Obama campaigned on a message of “hope over fear” but his current rhetoric talks about a crisis of catastrophic scope if the bailout bill isn’t passed immediately. What makes this suspicious is the fact that CBO states most of the bill will only take effect at the end of 2010 and will actually hurt our gross national product over the following 10 years. It is apparent that President Obama used this bill to accomplish things that would have been much harder to pass on their own merit. # Religious discrimination: Buried in the bill is a section that bans religious activities in many public education buildings. Further, there are upgrades to the national school systems but they are prohibited where religious activates may occur. Democrats voted 43-54 against an amendment to strike from the economic stimulus bill language that discriminates against people of faith. # Universal Health Care: The outline for Universal Health care will be put in place through this bill. In mandating a computer system for all medical records, every person will be mandated to have their records recorded in Federal Database. A National Coordinator of Health Information Technology position is going to be created to monitor this system. This outline will likely be used to track treatments to make sure your doctor is doing what the federal government deems appropriate and cost effective. Hospitals and doctors that are not “meaningful users” of the new system will face penalties. # ACORN: Potentially up to $4 billion for radical groups like ACORN will be dispersed. ACORN is a radical socialist group that helped the housing bust by pushing banks into making bad loans and is accused of voter fraud in more than 6 states. This group openly supports the Democrats and their tactics were learned through Sol Alinsky’s teachings. Obama even taught these classes to ACORN personnel in his Chicago days # Open Ended Welfare Returns: The bill sets in motion another $523 billion in new welfare spending that is hidden by budgetary gimmicks. Although this bill pretends that most of its welfare benefit increases will lapse after two years, they intend for most of these increases to become permanent. Instead of Welfare ending for recipients in 5 years that was done during the Clinton administration, now welfare entitlements will be open ended. TARP Funds to Control Business TARP funds have been used to buy stock in banks and financial institutions which essentially is the government buying ownership stakes in these companies. The question is will the government keep this ownership and for how long. President Obama has also decided to limit the executive pay to no more than $500, 000 per year for those companies that receive the bailouts. Of course they say these are only temporary measures but no end date has been given. To top it off Senator Barney Frank is proposing that the government regulate the pay for all executives but for some reason not for lawyers or the Hollywood elite. Gun Control In the first session of Congress the liberals introduced H.R. 45 (Blair Holt’s Firearm Licensing and Record of Sale Act of 2009). This bill targets anyone who owns a gun by requiring them to register all guns within 2 years. Every 5 years the gun owners must go through a renewal process for each gun they own. Failure to comply with these rules carries heavy penalties including jail time and having your guns confiscated. Probably the worst provision authorizes government searches without warrants. A new federal bureaucracy will be created to monitor this process. Do you really expect the liberal elites to allow automatic gun renewal? Silencing The Media To anyone but the most ardent liberal, it is quite apparent that the majority of the media is blatantly supporting Obama’s every action. The revelation that for 17 years Rahm Emmanuel (Obama’s Chief of Staff), George Stephanopoulos (ABC News), James Carville and Paul Begala (CNN) have had daily hour long calls that have continued into the Obama administration is but one example. Even though CNN is selling Obama shirts they will tell you they are not biased. Actions by the Obama administration have made it quite apparent to the media that you are either with Obama or you will systematically be silenced. For those that do not follow “the program”, you will be punished. For example, during the election the Washington Times, Fox News, N.Y. Post and Dallas Morning News were kicked off the Obama’s plane. It was not lost on the press that all these groups were McCain supporters. During press conferences candidate Obama pre-selected who was called to ask questions. If they asked the wrong questions they were not picked again. This has not been lost on the adoring press. Using one of Sol Alinsky’s sayings “Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.”, President Obama told Republicans “You can’t just listen to Rush Limbaugh and get things done.” Although so far, President Obama has claimed he does not want a fairness doctrine, there is a growing push to bring back some form of the “Fairness Doctrine”. Obama has already talked about wanting more minority ownership and requiring broadcasters to operate “in the public interest” which will be overseen by government or community groups. To add to the pressure shortening licensing terms will make it more likely a station owner will just abandon talk radio. The House Energy and Commerce Committee is also looking into policies that would allow it greater internet oversight. Census The Census taking is supposed to be ruled in a bipartisan manner. However, the Obama Administration is attempting to move the execution of the U.S. Census from the Department of Commerce to the White House under Rob Emanuel’s control. This is totally unprecedented and against federal law. Sen. Judd Gregg withdrew his name from consideration as Sec. of Commerce in large part because of this action. So what is the problem with having the White House running the Census? The Census results drive how welfare and aid to states is distributed. Further, it determines congressional seats per state and electoral college votes. Instead of having the normal direct count, Robe Emanuel wants to estimate numbers instead of an actual count for minority groups. To make matters even more interesting, under the White House direction there would be less requirements for openness as to the process that was used to arrive at the Census results. Talk about the potential for major gerrymandering which could bring a windfall of new Democratic votes. Illegal Immigrates Getting Amnesty Once again there is an immigration bill working its way through Congress. It would give Illegal aliens 24 hours to get access with their lawyers paid for with tax payer dollars. A temporary visa would be renewable indefinitely. Illegal aliens would not have to pay back taxes but will get tax credits. North American Union will be fast tracked. Finally, Illegal Immigrants will get state college tuition regardless of the state. When our country is in such a bad recession, why would you want new citizens that inherently use over twice as many tax dollars as they pay? Why would we want more workers in our country when unemployment is over 7%? Again, because they, as a group, overwhelmingly vote Democratic. District of Columbia to have Congressional Votes Democrats want to give full representation to the District of Columbia thereby giving them two senators and a representative for the House. Since only states have this representation, Congress will pass a law giving the District of Columbia ”the functional equivalent of a state”. On February 11, 2009 a senate committee passed this very bill and it will be voted on by all members in the coming weeks. You would be right if you guessed that the District of Columbia would vote Democratic. Civilian Expeditionary Workforce While on the campaign trail Barack Obama said ”We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives we’ve set. We’ve got to have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.” You Tube Link Now, the Defense Department has established just such a ”Civilian Expeditionary Workforce” (Defense Department Directive 1404.10) that will see American civilians trained and equipped to deploy overseas in support of worldwide military missions. Link According to a Defense Department report the intent of this program “is to maximize the use of the civilian workforce to allow military personnel to be fully utilized for operational requirements.” Is this an initial step fulfilling President Obama’s promise to form a civilian national security force as powerful as the U.S. military? Will this ”Civilian Expeditionary Workforce” ever be used in the US? Will we see ”youth brigades” roaming the streets to protect us? We will have to keep a close eye on this.
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